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There is a common criticism of people (okay, of Tumblr denizens) for being special snowflakes. They make up an absurd number of labels! Why would you want to identify as a requiessexual bipoetisexual squidgender moongender aroflux lesbian when you could identify as, well, normal?

But, in fact, as absurd as the subsubsubsubsubclassifications get sometimes, Tumblr’s attitude towards sexual orientations and genders is actually good.

Because the thing is… when you identify as a requiessexual bipoetisexual squidgender moongender aroflux lesbian, what you are saying is “I’m sexually attracted to fictional characters of all genders, but I’m only attracted to women in real life; I am too sad and crazy to actually be interested in sex ever; sometimes I’m squicked out by the idea of falling in love with someone, but sometimes I have crushes; my gender feels like it waxes and wanes between a nonbinary gender and genderlessness, kind of like the moon, but also when I think about it too much it runs away in a squirt of ink, kind of like a squid.”

You are acknowledging that these are experiences that may fall within the continuum of normal experiences (at least of normal lesbian/nonbinary experiences), but you want language to talk about your specific experiences. You want to draw out the distinctions between people who are attracted to fictional characters of their nonpreferred gender and people who aren’t, people who are grossed out by the idea of romantic attraction and people who aren’t, people whose crazy makes them asexual or hypersexual or doesn’t affect them at all.

In short: special snowflakeism is the opposite of typical mind fallacy.

And of course it would be very destructive if everyone had to identify somewhere on the requiessexual spectrum. (What if some of us are so sad and crazy that we HAVE to fuck, huh?) But Tumblr does not seem to have done this, in part because if you’re confused about what the alloromantic/aromantic spectrum even means you can invent your own word and cheerfully identify as wtfromantic.

If we think the typical mind fallacy is a fallacy– if we believe that universal human experiences are not shared by everyone– then we should embrace Tumblr’s habit of precise language and fine distinctions. Perhaps we do not wish to apply it to our sex lives; perhaps we want to apply it to productivity, or nonsexual social roles, or aptitudes, and leave sex to the “eh, I guess I’m kind of normal” category. But it is strange and destructive to be against people wanting to understand themselves better.